I am newly committed to this website, now that the Non-Senate Faculty Grant that was to pay for it has finally been paid! Please do let me know what types of topics you’d like to see covered on here. I can just go ahead and write short entries about topics such as agency and verbs and word order and paragraphing (etc) but I’d also like to bring up broader issues that confront you now as a publishing engineer. And perhaps begin a conversation about these.
On another topic, I hope that this link to an article that I just got published will both (1) pleasantly surprise you by being on a completely different topic from usual, and (2) let you see how even a journal article in an interdisciplinary journal in the humanities and social sciences follows some similar structural rules as you engineering articles.
Here’s my publication: “New Terms of Worth”: The Inclusive Economics of Robert Frost’s Poetry.
Even Oxford University Press has trouble with formatting. I’m hoping that this problem (the small print after the indented quotations of poetry) will be fixed soon!